camInstructor Video Blog

RARE Interview With a 5 Axis Expert

Written by camInstructor Mike | 10/21/20 2:47 AM

You won't find him posting on Instagram, FaceBook, or YouTube...listen in on this chat!

This is definitely a rare occurrence. First, this is the first interview style blog post I've done and second, it's not very often you'll find a video with this gentleman in it on social media! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my interview with RON BRANCH!

Ron Branch is Vice President of 5th Axis CG Inc. and has been programming with Mastercam for many years. He is considered one of the top 5 Axis Mastercam programmers around. Even though he doesn't post on Instagram, FaceBook, or any other social media platforms I was somehow able to convince him to talk with me and share some Mastercam Tips with you all here. 

This first video is the two of us talking shop. We talk everything from how Ron got started in contract programming to the machining trade in general to attitude and effort needed by those who want to accel in this industry to math, etc etc etc. Lots of great ideas and thoughts in this video segment.

The second video, which will be linked separately, is a Mastercam demo with Ron using a part he prepared for this demo. Here, he guides us through a 5 Axis part and goes through strategies and improvements that can be made. A ton of great Mastercam Tips in this video segment you won't want to miss. 

Here is a link to Ron's website...

5th Axis CG Inc.


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