camInstructor Video Blog

Mastercam Linking Parameters - Clearance

9/18/17 11:07 AM / by camInstructor Mike

Looking at the Linking Parameters page, learn how to utilize Mastercam's Clearance Settings

Linking Parameters are used in many of the toolpaths in Mastercam such as Contour, Pocket, Drill, Dynamic Mill, etc. This is how cutting depths and repositioning move heights are set. There are many settings within these which will have a large effect on the final toolpaths motion. Understanding how all these settings intertwine is imperative to constructing an efficient toolpath. 

This first video covering the Linking Parameters settings will start by looking at the Absolute, Incremental, and Associative settings. Each are very different and will also vary depending on the setting they are being used for. The videos and Cheat Sheets will explain this in great detail.

Absolute means the value stated is relative to the origin.

Incremental values are relative to other parameters or chained geometry.

Associative relates the value to a selected point within the Mastercam file.

With an understanding of the different positioning method, now we can get into each individual control.

Clearance sets the height at which the tool moves to and from the part, if Clearance is not enabled than the Retract value will be used for the Clearance height as well.


Keeping these settings straight can be tricky. Download this cheat sheet for easy reference.

Clearance Cheat Sheet


The Retract, Feedplane, Top of Stock, and Depth settings are covered in the rest of the videos in this series.

Linking Parameters 2 - Retract


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Topics: Mastercam Linking Parameters

camInstructor Mike

Written by camInstructor Mike

camInstructor Mike is Mike Wearne, an avid machinist, cnc programmer and overall connoisseur of all things machining. Mike is one of camInstructor's resident cad/cam/cnc experts and works part time at his local college teaching aspiring machinists how to program CNC Machines of all types.

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